Thoughts from one busy mom to another.
Greyden introduces most of the 2021 Alpine doelings we kept by name and tells you a little bit about each of them.
They're looking so good!
PJ & Crew
We love rain when it comes to our gardens, our hay fields, and our creek. But when it comes to the goats?... not so much!
PJ & Crew
Our goats are a part of our family.
As you can tell, Greyden knows each and every one of them by name and points each of them out as they hang out in the field one afternoon.
They are due in about a month and the anticipation of new baby goats is starting to build!
Are you looking forward to the new kids?
PJ & Crew
50% Complete
What could you accomplish if you made everything in your life run on a system? How much could you accomplish if you had an extra hour a day?